Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Questions: What do you think of Sydelle Pulaski?? Why??

Who do you think was setting off the smoke that kept coming out of the chimney from the Westing house?? Why would they do this??


  1. I think Sydelle is a little fishy because she seems mysterious like she has a secret.

  2. I think she is quiet. I also think she could be a popular character inn the next chapters. she is also kind f weird at the time.

  3. I think Sydelle Pulaski is a little weird at times. She also seems like she is hiding something. I think she is going to me a really big charter in the next chapters.

  4. I think that whoever killed sam westing set off the smoke. They probably did this bc they wanted someone to go into the house and find sam westing's body.
